Pedestal API, ClojureScript SPA and Google Authentication

Securing a Pedestal served ClojureScript SPA using Google authentication.


The following are some notes about a repository containing working code (extracted from a larger project) demonstrating a combination of a secured Pedestal website (and associated API services), and a React-ive ClojureScript front-end application that utilizes either Google or bespoke login logic to identify and validate the user’s credentials, and sets his/her authorization levels.

I hope that it may be helpful to anyone else who may know how each of the the individual pieces work, but is wondering how to put it all together.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Tristan Straub, as much of the front-end logic (and code) to utilize Google’s login is based on some code he posted on Github. I’ve changed the code in many ways, so any errors are not his but mine.

The front-end application, which is intentionally simple, allows a user to login, and according to his/her permissions will allow access to various resources. The application is written using React/ReFrame, Semantic UI React and ClojureScript. The application uses Figwheel-main to compile and, in development mode run the front-end; but switching to a different tool-chain (e.g. shadow-cljs) should be relatively easy.


Google Login Integration (and mapping to application id)

The application demonstrates how to integrate Google’s login functionality with a ClojureScript application. After successfully authenticating with Google, the user’s Google email address is associated with one (and only one) internal application user ID. The internal user ID is associated internally with one or more application defined roles, which are defined in the code.

Conceivably, this mapping of external ID to internal ID could allow multiple external authentication services to be used to map multiple externally asserted identities to a single internal user ID. For example, by extending the application to use Facebook’s authentication service, it would be possible to have both and to be mapped to the same internal user ID, e.g. :user.

Fundamentally, authenticating and logging in merely associates a user with a web session. The session is the operative object and identities are not, and cannot be shared between sessions. A user may have multiple sessions open, but they don’t “mingle”.

Ad-hoc affirmative login method

The application as presented allows a user to simply assert that they are a known user. The only reason this feature is included is to simplify debugging. In a production application these assertions would typically be replaced with an application specific logon process.

Isolation of sensitive information from codebase

In order to run Pedestal/Jetty (for production) or Figwheel/Jetty (for development) with https (required to use Google login) the location of a keystore and its password must be supplied.

This is an obvious security concern - including any sensitive information in either the source-code, or the application’s generated js code is poor security hygiene. The application avoids this by using environment variable (assumed to be available) to store this information which is read-only at runtime.

Secured API end-points by role membership

The application uses role-based security, where access to resources (URI’s) is permitted or prohibited according to whether a user has membership within a particular role. A user ID can be associated with one or more roles. Roles are independent of one another. There is no concept of hierarchy or inheritance beyond how the code chooses to handle these concepts.

The application, for our purposes, defines three roles: :admin, :user and :public. An unauthenticated user is associated with the role :public. Note that there is nothing privileged about these roles, or their names. They are completely application defined.

In the code for the application’s configuration file (common-src/config/config.cljc) you can see how these have been defined:

(def roles-and-users
  {:admin {:roles #{:admin} 
           :users #{"" ""}}
   :user {:roles #{:user} 
          :users #{""}}})

Here, we’ve defined two users :user and :admin, along with two roles, also called :user and :admin. Users who authenticated with the email addresses and will be associated with the user ID :admin, and the user with the email address will be associated with the user ID :user.

If we examine how routes are defined in the file server/be_handler_pdstl.clj we can see how security is applied to URL’s.

(def routes
    #{["/echo"  :get echo]
      ["/auth/isauthenticated" :post (build-secured-route-vec-to app-auth/get-current-logged-in-user) :route-name :alloc-public/is-authenticated]
      ["/auth/setid" :post (build-secured-route-vec-to app-auth/alloc-auth-explicitly-set-identity-of-user-post) :route-name :alloc-public/auth-set-id-post]
      ["/auth/google" :post (build-secured-route-vec-to app-auth/alloc-auth-google-login) :route-name :alloc-public/google-login-post]
      ["/auth/logout" :post (build-secured-route-vec-to disconnect-session) :route-name :alloc-user/auth-logout-post]
      ["/api/getsecresource/p" :post (build-secured-route-vec-to get-secured-resource) :route-name :alloc-public/test-res]
      ["/api/getsecresource/u" :post (build-secured-route-vec-to get-secured-resource) :route-name :alloc-user/test-res]
      ["/api/getsecresource/a" :post (build-secured-route-vec-to get-secured-resource) :route-name :test-res]
      ["/r/home" :get [content-neg-intc respond-with-app-page] :route-name :app-main-page]}))

The current implementation uses the namespace of values of each route’s :route-name key to assign security.

Any protected URL whose :route-name namespace is :alloc-public is available to any user, authenticated or not.

Any protected URL whose :route-name namespace is :alloc-user is available to any user associated with the :user role.

Any protected URL whose :route-name namespace is either :alloc-admin or the default namespace is available to only users associated with the :admin role.

URL’s are only protected if they use the auth interceptors. These interceptors are included when the function build-secured-route-vec-to is used to wrap the content handler function.

Another item to note is the three test URL’s /api/getsecresource/p (available to all users), /api/getsecresource/u (available to users in the :user role) and /api/getsecresource/a (available only to users in the :admin role) use the same handler get-secured-resource.

Development Server & Production Server

The application has both a development mode and a production mode. Both modes use Pedestal as the API server, responding to requests as defined in the routes parameter used to start the server. The difference between the two modes is in how the js files are served, and in how front-end development proceeds, or not.

In development mode the application’s js files are served from a handler (fe-src/server/fe-handler) sitting behind figwheel/Jetty, and started using the script provided in scripts/server.clj. This facilitates the standard figwheel development process of having figwheel monitor a set of source directories and regenerate and reload any changed files as necessary. This should be familiar to anyone who’s used figwheel-main for ClojureScript development. An alias has been defined in the deps.edn file to start all the various servers and to start figwheel.

In production mode, the js files are served from the Pedestal/Jetty server itself. Of course, in order to do this the js files must have been previously compiled by figwheel. An alias has been defined in the deps.edn file for this purpose.

Log-out Functionality

The application allows the user to disassociate their session from their identity. Because the session is the operative object, this is essentially logging out.

Session Expiration

When credentials are issued for an authenticated user and associated with a session, the information will also contain an expiration date. If a user attempts to access a protected resource and the credentials are found to have expired, access is denied and the user’s credentials are disassociated from the session. This essentially logs that user out and he/she will need to reassociate their credentials with the session.

React/Reagent/Reframe/kee-frame Application

The test application is a reactive application written in ClojureScript using reagent, reframe and kee-frame. It illustrates some of the principles required for a simple application of this type.

Semantic UI Integration

The toolkit used for widgets and styling is SemanticUI-react, and the application illustrates how the library can be used.

Running the Servers & Applications

Setting up a keystore for HTTPS

In order to run the web servers in secured mode you’ll need to create a keystore for the certificates used by the servers and make it available to Jetty. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

Setting up Google Login

In order to use the application for yourself you will need to get your own Google Client ID. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

You will also need to use the Google Console to inform Google of the Authorized Javascript Origins associated with your Client ID. These should be the names and ports of your https endpoints. For testing, these will typically be the server name and port of your Pedestal/Jetty and your figwheel/Jetty (for development mode only) servers.

The values should also be set in the following places

In your environment the following variables should be set

Environment Variable Value
ALLOC_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD The keystore’s password
ALLOC_KEYSTORE_LOCATION The keystore’s filesystem location
ALLOC_SSL_PORT The ssl port number used for Pedestal
ALLOC_PORT The port number used for Pedestal

In the common-src/config/config.cljc you will need to set the following variables

Configuration Variable Value
google-client-id your Google Client ID
my-hostname your server’s name
figwheel-ssl-port the port used by figwheel’s https server and serving the application’s js files
pedestal-port Pedestal’s HTTP port number (should match ALLOC_PORT).
pedestal-ssl-port Pedestal’s HTTPS port number (should match ALLOC_SSL_PORT)
google-callback-url change the server name in this variable to match your server’s name.

In the file dev.cljs.edn change the :open-url parameter to match your server’s name, and the ssl port used by figwheel. This should match https://<my-hostname>:<pedestal-ssl-port>/r/home.

Starting the Server(s)

Development Mode

  1. In your IDE of choice, start a REPL (with the alias :main)

  2. Load and execute the control namespace

  3. Execute the function (start-dev) (It’s within a comment expression).

  4. Log messages are sent to the REPL output stream, so you can monitor progress and activity.

  5. When the Pedestal server has started, run the following from a command line

    clj -A:dev

    This will start the front-end server used by figwheel on ports 9500 and figwheel-ssl-port and will start the figwheel watch process.

  6. Your browser should automatically open to https://<my-hostname>:<figwheel-ssl-port>/r/home where the application will be loaded. (You should have set this in dev.cljs.edn as above).

When you’re finished and wish to stop the front-end server: from the Figwheel console you issue the :cljs/quit command to stop the Figwheel build process followed by Ctrl+C to stop the front-end server itself.

Production Mode

Build the production application by running

clj -A:prod

from the command line. This will generate the production js files from your ClojureScript sources. Then, from the command line run

clj -A:main:main-output -m control

This will start the Pedestal server which in addition to serving API requests will also serve the js files built in the last step.

Finally, open your browser and navigate to https://<my-hostname>:8081/r/home to display the application’s Home page.

The Home Page

When the application first starts, you can go to the Home page

The initial view of the home page (no logged-in user).

The Application’s Menu

The application is a SPA with client-side routing and has only a single menu with 5 menu items.

The main menu (no logged-in user).
  1. The Home item will take you to the Home page
  2. The Users menu item will display the application’s Sign-In/Sign-Out page. Here you can connect an identity to your session (log-in), or disconnect an identity from your session (log-out).
  3. The Public menu item will request content from an unsecured API endpoint whose content is available to any user whether authenticated or not.
  4. The User menu item will request content from an an API endpoint to which access has been restricted to users with role memberships of :admin or :user.
  5. The Admin menu item will request content from an an API endpoint to which access has been restricted to users with role membership of :admin.

Access a Public Resource

Even though you have not yet signed in, if you click on the Public menu item the application will respond with some content.

Access to Public Resource is allowed (no logged-in user).

This is as expected as that resource is unsecured and available to anyone who can access the application.

as the :local/:user User

On the Sign-In Page, click on the button labelled This will associate you session with the application user :user, who has been assigned the :user role. This form of sign-in is a :local authority sign-in. The authority is granted by the application itself.

The Standard Sign-In Page (no logged-in user).

Once you’ve done that you’ll be redirected to the Home page where your session and identity details are displayed.

After the user :user has signed in.

Accessing a protected resource

Now click on the User menu item. The application will attempt to fetch a resource from an API endpoint restricted to users in the :user or :admin roles.

Because :user has that role association the contents of the resource is displayed.

The user (:user) is allowed to access to the User resource.

However, if you now click on the Admin menu item, which attempts to fetch data from an API endpoint restricted to :admin role members only, you’ll see an access denied message.

The user (:user) is denied access to the Admin resource.

Sign-Out from :user

Click on the Users menu item to go to the Sign-In/Sign-Out page

A view of the standard Sign-Out page with user (:user) is logged in.

and at the bottom click on the button in Sign-Out (Local) section. This will remove the identity information from your session, and return you to the Home page.

Returned to Home Page after user signs out.

Sign in as a Google User

Again, click on the Users menu item to go to the Sign-In/Sign-Out page

The Standard Sign-In Page.

This time however click on the Google Sign in button. This will open the familiar Google Sign-In dialog where you can login with your Google identity. If the email address of the Google user is registered with an application user ID your session will assigned that identity, but the :authority will now be :google, indicating that is the entity making the assertion of identity.

The Google Sign-In Dialog.

Again, you’ll be returned to the Home page where the session’s identity information is displayed.

The Home Page with Google signed-in user.

Because is an alias for the user :admin, that is the ID displayed in the top-right corner of the page, and consequently access to the API endpoints restricted to users in the :admin role will be allowed.

Signing Out

If you click on the Users menu item you can return to the Sign-In/Sign-Out page to disconnect your session from the Google account using the Sign Out button. This disconnects your application session, but does not log you out from Google.

The Users page with a Signed-In Google user (mapped to application ID :admin).

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Kieran Owens
Kieran Owens
CTO of Timpson Gray

Experienced Technology Leader with a particular interest in the use of functional languages for building accounting systems.

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